
little traditions

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

If you would so kindly allow me to be a little mushy for a hot second...

Last fall, I took a trip up to Minneapolis to visit a very kind and intriguing man of interest before I left on my year-long trip to Honduras. This was the first time we hung out together after meeting in Washington state that summer. We were both nervous. And both knew I was leaving for a long while. But, ya know...we've all been there, right?! Sometimes doing irrational things is good for you. And I said he was intriguing, did I not?

Well we went to a Twins game during that visit. And I don't remember much about that game but I do remember it as a night that we I knew we had something real special on our hands. I of course mean between us, not the game...even though baseball's great and all. 

Fast forward to a year later: I live here now {not because he does, it just ended up that way.} We live in the same city and I'm tell ya's the best thing ever.  Last night we went to the same Twins game, partially in memory of last fall, and I think it's become a little tradition now. 

Maybe someday I'll give ya'll the full lo-down on what the last year was like for us but for now it's tucked away in my heart as a very meaningful time. Our hearts are full and so thankful for what has been given to us to hold onto. All things really do work out for good. I really believe that.

{mush-fest ends here.}

I wanna know, what little traditions do you have?

P.S >> I'm guest posting over at Crossroads of the Heart about transitioning to a new city. Go check 'er out!

nik-so-ko-a, my relations

Friday, September 21, 2012


I spent last summer working on a Native American reservation. One thing that has always stuck out to me about that experience is when I learned what the word pronounced nik-so-ko-a meant -- My Relations.

The community there is like one I have never experienced before. People live to protect and stand by each other, their family, their relations. Nik-so-ko-a represents all of "your people", the ones who are close to your heart and influence your spirit.

I can't help but think about my relations, my people, who have been such an encouragement through this whole transition process. They have offered their time, their homes and their love to protect and encourage me. I am never alone, I was never alone. To me, community is what drives the heart and what so many of us crave -- because we were meant to. We were made for community. So today I give up an offering of thanks. Thanks for family, for community, and for it being Friday.

grown-up life

Monday, September 10, 2012

You know you're living a grown-up life when...
You make your bed every day without fail. {be proud, mom!}
Laundry is done on a consistent, weekly basis and nothing has shrunk or bled colors in your load.
Several friends come over for a dinner party on Sunday night.
Speaking of Sundays, they are left wide open for anything you want. no homework.
You plan to take the bus downtown for work next week because it's more efficient and you can.
Coupons have been cut out for the local grocery store.
8am comes around and you are ready and rearin' to go.
The newly revised budget has been laid out on an excel spread sheet.
Mopping the kitchen floor happens on a regular basis and you even kinda like doing it.

You know you're not quite there yet when...
The rice you were cooking for one burns to a crisp and it becomes squirrel food out the back door.
You can't follow the directions correctly on your GPS and end up in the wrong city.
A free concert you thought was at some sweet place downtown actually ends up being on the University campus and you instantly time travel back to college.
There is too much free-time during the day, aka you don't have a full-time job yet.
Frosted flakes is still a favorite breakfast food. Or anytime snack food for that matter.

How's your grown-up life coming along?

check these kids out!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

So I'm sure we've all read about half a million blogs about the season's change and the coming of fall, right? Okay maybe that's just me. One of my fall resolutions was to make a budget and stick to it. {It's a work in progress.}

But I wanted to ask you guys about your you do it? Got any awesome advice for the rest of us?

I know that one of my priorities after getting settled here is to give part of what I earn to something I really care about. Since working with Give Hope 2 Kids I have formed life-changing relationships with the kids I met and lived with. It is a miracle that they have been brought to the kids home to grow up. And it's amazing to me that we can love them and help them out from any geographical distance. 

Sponsoring children at the kid's home in Honduras helps pay for things like their schooling, food, home, clothes, and the salary of the house parents who have given up a huge part of their lives to invest in these kids. The idea of the sponsorship program is to form a lasting relationship with the children. 

So if you're looking to re-format your budgeting plan a bit this fall and include giving to something that really changes lives, I can officially give my first-hand approval to this organization. I love these kids with all my heart and want to see them grow up to be amazing, successful adults. Wanna be part of that?

 Check out here for more details. 

What organizations are you really passionate about? 

{photo credit goes to kelvin and monica johnson}

my very own

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I finally moved! Life's been a bit of a whirlwind these past few days but overall it feel so good to be here. Aside from tromping all over the city for job interviews, errands and meetings, this time has been good to rest and restart and renew my heart a bit. I have so much to be thankful for in this place and in this time.

It's been unexpectedly pleasant for me to re-acquaint myself to my stuff. Old and new. This past year of wandering the earth has been great, but heavy on the "using other people's stuff" thing if that makes sense. So it feels great to sleep in a bed I can call mine, to have my own room, to have my whole wardrobe in one place...etc. Maybe that's selfish but it's also refreshing so I'm going with it.

Here's a few snaps of the parts of my very own room that I love. {I should love it...after all, it is mine.}

Maybe when I'm feeling ambitious I'll take a few of the house but for now..I'm just happy to be in one place for awhile and steep in the goodness of life. Yes? yes. 
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