
wedding scenes

Saturday, September 28, 2013

They're here! They're here! The wedding pictures have arrived! It's been tons of fun to look through and remember parts of that day that seem like such a blur. It was so much more than we could have ever asked for or imagined. All of our friends and family were in one place at one time and it really just seemed like such a miraculous thing that only happens once in a lifetime. Thanks to Jonny Edwin we have so many incredible pictures to relive all the memories. 

// the infamous paper flowers that will never be a repeated craft project ever again //

// brand new precious family // 

//  my handsome husband //

// putting the dress on at home //

// feeling dolled up and excited //

//  first look //

// sweet nothings //

// farmers market flowers. probably one of my favorite parts //

// posing //

// he's my favorite //

// where we went to hang out on our first "date day" //

// these people make us so happy //

// yep. that's right. i'm getting married today. //

// beautiful friends and flowers //

// oh my happy heart //

// trying not to ugly cry //

// scenes of the groom //

// why yes, i am getting married today. thank you for asking. //

// making it official //

// family //

// finally //

// a precious flower girl //

// they all came in like this. i have the strongest girlfriends //

// just happy //

// outtakes //

// love ballads //

// waddup brotherrrrr //

// big smiles and lots of dancing //

// hey you! yes you. //

// no one else in the room //

Congratulations if you made it all the way though. There's more (obviously) but I tried to control myself. Cheers to being married! Happiest day of my life.

happy flippin' saturday

Saturday, September 21, 2013

After a very full week of work, the coming of Saturday morning was just the most magical thing ever.

Wake up slow,  drink too many cups of coffee, eat delicious chipotle omelets made by husband, watch the Cosby Show till noon, run errands, walk outside, make birthday presents, watch football, cook a favorite Honduran meal for a special dinner.

Oh Saturday, you truly are a restful day for a lady who's got a gymnastics sized knot in her back.
Let's do this again sometime, deal? deal.

looking for a fresh blog design?

Monday, September 16, 2013

I am so happy to say that this transition into a new routine has really been exactly what I needed. There is about 2 percent of me that wishes I could still dress up all polka-dot-pencil-skirt-high-heel-like for work and then then the rest of me is so flippin' glad to have a varied schedule with all these random and fun jobs. The name of the game for me is variety. Oh I LOVE variety in my schedule. 

Blog design is something I've really grown a liking to in the past year and I'm so happy to have more time to focus on it. I love it so much in fact, that I want to do yours! Yep. If you're looking to switch things up a bit, simplify or just start fresh for the fall, I would love to work with you. Below are some of the designs I've really enjoyed working on. Take a look and stop by these ladies' sites to check out the live version.

Contact me at erin(dot)nausin(at)gmail(dot)com if you're interested in chatting more! 

a peek inside (you know you wanna look)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

It's been a lot of fun settling and decorating these parts recently. After the initial shock of realizing how much stuff we have, I think it's feeling like home and we love that. We feel real lucky to be living in one of the historic houses downtown (just in a part of it, not the whole thing (!)), so close to most places we go on a daily basis. Besides Target. Still driving to Target. 

Anyway, I thought I'd give ya'll a sneak peek of some of my favorite parts of our little place. There's going to be a lot of memories here in the next season of life and I don't want to forget it. It's not super fancy or big or expensive but it is ours and that's what matters. And, well, living in a historic home your first year of marriage makes it pretty much a downhill experience every year after this in terms of living quarters. Are you with me?

morning routines

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So excited to be blogging at Leia's today during her series on morning routines. It's been so much fun getting to know this lady a bit and reading her blog. One of my favorite posts of hers is this one on refocusing. Particularly inspiring during my own time of transition currently.

Hop over to Becoming Bryn for today's post and have a real happy Wednesday, folks.
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