Have you ever gotten involved with a common interest group or found a group of friends and thought to yourself…I HAVE FOUND MY PEOPLE!
The Influence network has been just that for me. A group of women, loving God, running creative businesses, who want to make their online life mean something. Who want to make social media more than just a popularity contest or a place to kill time. They are online to encourage, make dear friends, and come alongside one another as dreams are pursued, hard days are had, babies are born, and big decisions are made. Friends, I can truly tell you, these are my people. My tribe. Do you know who yours are?
Just a week from tomorrow, I'll be headed to Indianapolis to attend the Influence Conference. I am trying not to get too excited about getting to meet all these wonderful women in person -- it might just send me straight into labor. It's going to be probably one of my favorite weekends of the year and I really can't wait.
What's one part of the conference I'm most excited about?
Just that -- getting to meet all these amazing women face to face, worship together, learn together, strategize together…being with people who understand on a deep level what it means to be a creative business owner, to live a life of passion, to use social media as a tool for the gospel, for love, for encouragement, for forming meaningful relationships.
What would I not leave home without?
A fresh notebook and the necessary array of lip colors -- it's amazing how much lipstick covers a multitude of pregnancy-enduced insecurities.
Can't wait to see all of you ladies there! Let's be friends, shall we?