

Saturday, July 7, 2012

We love passion fruit. We put it in our shampoos and our fancy hand soaps. I don't know about you but I don't even know if I ever knew what passion fruit even looked like until there were hundreds of them growing on the property. Much to our delight, they were coming in by the barrel full and I think I'm in love.

So this passion fruit, or maracuyá as they call it here {way cooler, don't you think?}, is super crazy inside! How do you even eat that? Well, you don't really. We made juice out of it. It's my favorite juice in the whole  wide world. So if you ever get lucky enough to come across one of these guys, you gotta try this:::

Okay so all that juice is going to make your face scrunch up into some unrecognizable sour form unless you add some lots of water to it and of course, sugaaaaaaaaar. 

I've got no fancy tricks for you, just straight up jungle style passion fruit juice. But it's incredible. And if you had no idea what a passion fruit actually was before you read this, I'm proud to be the individual who informed you. 


  1. I share your amor for that amazing nectar! Miss it!!!!

  2. I love and miss this fruit. We actually call it parcha in my native Puerto Rico. I haven't bitten into one since I was like 15. But still, my fav is guayaba or guava, how most countries call it.

    1. ooh, i used to use guava juice all the time in drinks or smoothies in the states. we don't buy it much down here and i miss it!

  3. I absolutely love eating passion fruit when I visit Brazil! The juice is incredible!


  4. This looks delicious! I'm your newest follower!


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