:: The maids came again today when I was home...read this if that doesn't mean anything to you.
:: More than one DMV experience in the last 2 weeks. Oh, I can't take my knowledge test? Why's that? Oh, because I'm not a US citizen without my passport to prove it? My current drivers licence doesn't do it, eh? Well that's a shame. Too bad I drove 6 hours to make this happen. Have a nice daaaaaaay.
:: So I go to this place called Lush in the mall, heard of it? Yeah, well it's great and all except it's stocked with hippies and weird smelling perfume. One of the workers took me over to the sink and told me to try out the body wash. Except she took my whole arm and stuck it under the sink. Proceeded to lather me up herself with this great body wash and and rise it off a century later. Admittedly, the little arm massage was great and all but, hi, I don't know you and you just showered my arm.
:: The fact that I'm pretty sure I've put on at least 10 pounds since coming back to the homeland. America makes you fat, people. It just does.
:: Virtually no day-time social contact for the past week. It's time to move.
:: Breaking Bad was discovered and it's great. I'm rationing my episodes
so I don't watch the whole darn thing in one night.
:: I get to move this weekend! After waiting what seemed like an eternity to get to
this point in my life, I'm excited to start a fresh chapter in a new house with new and old friends.
:: Because of the whole moving thing, I've rationalized going out to
almost all my favorite eating spots to get my hometown fix in before I'm off.
:: Leaps and bounds being made to make this whole "I need a job" thing happen.
Keeping my fingers crossed!