
give thanks

Monday, November 26, 2012

JT and I took a little jaunt over to Seattle for Thanksgiving this year. These were pretty much the only pictures I took on the whole trip. I really need to get better at that. It was such an honor to be able to meet and spend time with his family and although I may have missed the beginnings of Minnesota snow, there was no shortage of rain on the west coast. Shocking, I know. Also shocking, I ate my weight in mashed potatoes. Okay, that one's not true.

Hope you all had a wonderful time spent with people you love.

Now let's get this Christmas show on the road! Next up: tree hunting with the roommates tomorrow. Yes!

the art of adulthood

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Since we're being so accurate here, I've officially been an adult now for two and a half months plus three days. life officially mirrors 95% of those people that work full time and sort of live on their own. Okay, I made the statistic up. Moving on.

I hear from the life coach gods that life after college is a bit of a let-down. All of the sudden you don't live 1 mile away from all your best friends, party's over, no more five-week-long Christmas breaks, and government loans stop serving as your main source of income. Maybe it's true.

The thing is, I fled the country for a year after college so the growing pains didn't really start until just about right now.

And the thing is, there are things about being an adult that seem so very spectacular like decorating your own house, dressing up every day and having a consistent paycheck. No homework. Things of that nature. But pretty soon you realize that work is not optional just as class once was. And you don't have as much free-time as you thought. And you have to...wait for it...budget?! Yes. Budget. And be responsible.

Don't get me wrong here. There are so many things to be thankful for. I am so blessed with all of the people in my life, my work, my home...everything. Lots of times it's just easy to slip into a bit of a panic mode after thinking about paying your car insurance bill, choosing cheerios over apple jacks because they're better for you and having to vacuum on a regular basis.

Aren't adults supposed to have this life thing figured out?

If we're being truthful here, I may be having a bit of an identity crisis. Not the deep core kind of identity crisis...just like a circumstantial one. For example...after years of thinking I really disliked reading, I'm finding myself plowing through books faster than a librarian. And I like it. OR, sometimes, a cup of tea sounds better to me than coffee {did I just say that?!}. It's true. Okay so there are obviously more serious examples than that. But you get the idea.

So basically what I'm trying to say here is that life as of this season is about discovering this version of me. Not the one who's a Spanish major, not the one who lives in the jungle... but this one. This version.

I hear life doesn't get any easier. It's still full of it's brokenness, full of hardship, full of emptiness and lonely times and disappointment. But much of it is good. And we can focus on and celebrate those moments.

For the rest of the time, for reality's sake, I'm putting those big girl pants on.

Making some long term goals for pete's sake.
And starting to cook quinoa {because that's what adults do.} Ya hear me?

it is well

Thursday, November 8, 2012

These days I'm finding it very easy to be able to say this with a genuine heart. I have been overwhelmed with blessings beyond belief and really, the only thing to complain about over here is chipping nail polish and cloudy skies. {read: first world problems.}

I am reminded of this time last year as I was preparing to spend a good chunk of my year overseas. When my soul felt a bit on the rocks. A little lumpy. Uneasy. Stepping into the unknown wasn't safe or easy -- but it was good. And it turns out that walking through that experience was "well" in it's own kind of way. 

So after finding peace in the midst of change and uncertainty, knowing that God is ultimately the one that brings it in all circumstances, I am experiencing peace in this season of abundance. 

Today, this day, recognize your abundant blessings and give thanks. 
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