
give thanks

Monday, November 26, 2012

JT and I took a little jaunt over to Seattle for Thanksgiving this year. These were pretty much the only pictures I took on the whole trip. I really need to get better at that. It was such an honor to be able to meet and spend time with his family and although I may have missed the beginnings of Minnesota snow, there was no shortage of rain on the west coast. Shocking, I know. Also shocking, I ate my weight in mashed potatoes. Okay, that one's not true.

Hope you all had a wonderful time spent with people you love.

Now let's get this Christmas show on the road! Next up: tree hunting with the roommates tomorrow. Yes!


  1. I'm loving this<3 I want to visit Seattle

  2. Love the pics; letting the rain be part of the artistry and journey--beautiful. Thanks for you! aj

  3. Hey,
    I've nominated you for a Liebster Award!


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