
successfully reaching the mid-twenties

Sunday, March 3, 2013

This weekend was full of birthday fun. I am again reminded of how blessed I am to have such wonderful, creative, loving, generous people in my life here. 
As a friend of mine gladly pointed out, I have officially reached my mid-twenties. Why does that sound so much older than early-twenties? I don't know. I'm sure turning thirty someday will be a way, way more traumatic dramatic event.

Some birthday highlights are as follows...

Flowers delivered to the office from that very thoughtful man of mine >>

Playing a few rounds of pool. I'll let you notice that creep-o in the background on your own. >>

So many beautiful and kind birthday cards from my oh-so-artistic friends >>

Night walks after a late dinner >>

Saturday shopping spree with the roommates >>

The most creative little gifts >>

more beautiful cards, I really can't tell ya'll how lucky I am to know such kind and flattering people >>

 A little out of town trip with this man to visit some good friends >>

 These fabulous roommates >>

So many people I love in one place >>

24 year resolutions are as follows:

Keeping the athletic sock wearing to just workout times.
Liking tea.
Reading more books.
Running longer.
Cleaning regularly.
Learning a bit of graphic design.

We'll see how that pans out.

1 comment:

  1. If you need any consultations in designing- let me know :)


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