
a big, full bucket of blessing

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The past few weeks for me have been full of nothing but getting to spend some real good quality time with all the people I love in my life. Some visits feel more rushed than others but there's something about seeing a friend or family member in person, getting to have a conversation face to face instead of with a computer screen. (Don't get me wrong, facetime/skype/the whole gammit really rocks my world for keeping up long distance relationships.) But you know what I mean?

As the wedding gets closer, we look forward to spending a lot more time together in our own home. But on the other side of the coin, we're moving away from a lot of friends, away from family, and we just won't see them as often as we get to now. It's just a reality of this upcoming season of life.

So lately, I've been realizing how sweet my time really is in this moment, in this season, living with some of my best friends in a city where I feel part of a community. It's been a big, full bucket of blessing dumped right over my head. These people in my life are so amazing and sometimes I wonder how I ended up this lucky. Okay, I wonder that all the time.

Here's some real documentation of how incredible things have been lately because I know ya'll are just as shocked as I am that there can be this many great people around:::

Act I: Weekend at the family fun farm celebrating our dear Clare's summer birthday >>

This is her awesome pad for the summer that we had the privilege of spending the night in. And yes, it's called the Man Wam, (although no men were involved in this overnight operation. ) ^^^

Act II: Bridal shower no. 1
Scene 1: My mom pulled out her veil from '86 as a surprise. So neat to see it and try it on!

Sister!! >>>

Aren't they the cutest looking bunch of nieces you've ever laid eyes on? And another sister on the way! I'm so lucky to be their auntie.

Let's remember to savor the sweet moments, not to rush through them in anticipation for the next season. Life is so so good right this moment.

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