
still afloat with an addiction to lemonade

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Holy moly. I think when it comes time for everyone else I know to get married I'm just gonna shout from the rooftops, "Hey! One order of emotional roller coaster coming right up! With a side of crazy brain, unceasing excitement and a running tab of a cash flow 80 times larger than normal life." Planning a wedding is no small feat, people. And whoever pays for a wedding planner is not a wimp. They're genius.

That aside. I thought I'd pop and and let all ya'lls know I'm still afloat over here. Regardless of the lie that creeps up every so often that I/we are doing this alone, we're not. There is a whole slew of people with us in this journey and we are grateful.

I wanted to share a few things that have been particularly essential during this seemingly eternal whirlwind season. And I'd love feedback about what keeps you going and encourages you through crazy seasons of life and transition.


1//  I don't think I can speak enough words to say how thankful I am to do life with this man of mine. I actually get to be his wife in, oh, 24 days. And when I step back and actually let that sink in I really am overwhelmed with thankfulness and in true awe of what the Lord has created in us and through us. This is why the crazy season is happening. And let me tell you, it's so so worth it.

2// Our community has been SO helpful and SO graceful with all the whining that undoubtedly accompanies this planning process. I'm really trying to put on my strong face but sometimes you just can't and our people are always upholding, praying, advising, and loving.

3//  Have I mentioned my obsession with flowers? Because I think I have a problem. We, the Fillmore girls, are not cat ladies. We're plant ladies. and it is out. of. control. But it's summer and we love flowers so let it be. People are happier with flowers at their desk. For real. I just read it today.

4//  I'm slowly learning how to translate my processing strategies to life with little free time. College is an easy season to spend a lot of time reading, praying, reflecting, journaling, and hashing though feelings with friends. And I am still figuring out what it looks like to process through things in that way during a season with less free time. But the times I've done this have been so life-giving and refreshing and right now I am vowing to do that more often.

5//  The All Sons and Daughters's working at my heart and always on repeat lately.

6//  You may be wondering why the carton of lemonade has invaded the blog post and I am here to tell you that that lemonade is the most delicious and refreshing thing anyone could ever drink ever. And I don't exaggerate. I can't get enough of this stuff and will probably find out about 8 more cavities at the dentist next time but I just don't care. So there it is.

Bottom line, this too shall pass. And before I know it we're gonna be through about 4 major life changes and taking a walk in our new neighborhood laughing at all the seemingly life or death moments about how the centerpiece bows need to be tied and what color ribbon to buy. BUT. I do not want to wish away these last 24 days of life in this current season because they are so precious and sweet and full of love, anticipation, hope and preparation. And one day soon I'm gonna wish JT had just as many earrings and skirts to borrow as the Fillmore girls have, yes? Yes.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how quickly this summer is going and how quickly your wedding is approaching! So exciting!


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