
Four Simple Goals

Friday, November 1, 2013

I love the idea of making some fresh goals for the month of November, before things start getting all cray cray holiday around here. Goal making can be a little disheartening because we all like to be overachievers and reach for the moon every time we do it. The truth is, ain't nobody got time for that. The secret is to change little things, one day at a time, about your daily life. Eventually, those little things become habits and we feel like we've made so much more progress. I absolutely love the idea of making four simple goals for the month of November. Here are mine:

1] Write in my gratitude journal ever night, noting three things that I am thankful for that day. This habit has become so sporadic recently and I'm excited to hop back on the horse again seeing as this is, in fact, the month of Thanksgiving.

2] Exercise twice a week. You would think this would be an easy one because I work at the gym...but just the opposite is true. I have no excuse now, it's on the board.

3] Make a real effort to focus on the positive. There are so many good and beautiful things happening in this phase of life and it deserves waaaay more positivity than I'm giving it. We are spoiled rotten sometimes with how good our life is and it's just a shame to focus on the uncomfortable and stressful part of newness and transition. Life is good. Let's think that way.

4] Try cooking four new recipes this month. I'll openly admit it, my husband is a rockstar in the kitchen. Sometimes it seems silly for me to cook anything because he's just so darn good at it but I know that it means a lot for him to have a break from that too. So, in an effort to expand horizons and be a good helper, I'll commit to trying four new dinner recipes. If they're any good, maybe I'll share.

Go say hi to the Tiny Twig to read more simple goals for November.

Do you have any goals for this month? I wanna hear!

p.s. happy Friday, ya'll.

1 comment:

  1. Goals are awesome for sure.....and it's always fun to hear what other people are planning!
    I love the recipe one....always a good idea to try new things!
    Mine are posted over on my blog:


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