
40 weeks and counting

Thursday, December 4, 2014

I keep thinking back to the day I found out this little girl was growing inside of me. This tiny, new, precious person that would soon become such a huge part of our lives. The two of us ladies went to Target that day, listened to music in the car, went to the was my little secret for those few hours. Jeremy and I went out to celebrate that night with some kiddie cocktails and pretty much started at each other in complete shock about how much our lives were about to change. It was a whole new beginning. 

40 weeks has finally come after one major move, the beginning and end of a temp job, more than a few plane trips, a semester of seminary, and continual preparation for the upcoming year. She's a whole person in there and I'm feeling it. My whole mind and body feels it. Her room is set, the car seat is sitting in the living room like it belongs there, Christmas decorations are up, house is clean...we. are. ready. But you know what the funny thing is about due dates? No one actually has a baby on that day. Okay, maybe like 5%. I'm putting a vote in for a "due week" instead to avoid the inevitable feeling of failure of not having managed to WILL the baby out yet. Like that's even possible.

But nonetheless, here we are, full-on whale status. I am so thankful to have been able to experience what it's like to grow a human; to be such an intimate part of the creating another life. I know that some women can only dream of what that feels like and I always want to be humbled by that and reminded that this is one of the most precious gifts I'll ever experience in this life. This week I find myself in constant limbo of soaking in all the moments and doing everything I can to get. her. out. 

Any and all distraction and labor inducing technique ideas are welcome this way! Let's do this, baby girl. 


  1. EEEEEPPPP!!! How is already 40-weeks?!? Erin you are simply stunning both inside and out. This little lady is blessed beyond measure to have you as a momma. Praying for a safe delivery friend, xoxo!

  2. It must be so exciting for y'all that she's almost here! I think it's so fun to have a birthday around Christmas. When is your due date?

    1. Thank you! It was Dec 4...we are still waiting! But I agree, she's the best Christmas present we'll ever have!

  3. Erin, I love your reflection--both the written and the photo--beautiful. Know that you are being held in my heart as you await giving birth. The nurturing that has gone on for 40 weeks is invaluable to your child. And hey, look at it this way, at least your baby isn't in a hurry like everyone else on this planet. I love you sooooooooo much. aj


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