

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So I got this book for Christmas called "642 Things To Write About" and it's awesome. Inside are different prompts to fuel some creativity and get you writing about things you normally wouldn't. The space to write in the book is small so it doesn't feel like a huge commitment.

I've had so much fun starting out with this book that I thought I'd post some of what I've written. As part of the blogging community, I think part of what we are meant to do is inspire one another. My hope is that this will encourage you to maybe try your hand at writing little bits of reality or fiction that you otherwise wouldn't have.

Wanna join me? Look for these posts every Tuesday and write your little heart away from the prompt. If you end up posting it on your blog, let me know and I'll put a link up on mine to yours anytime that week. Fun, right? Right. Cheers to sharing creative writing! And happy new year!


  1. This is awesome, Erin! I will look forward to reading your posts and hope to join in on my blog: C'est ma vie!

    Happy New Year!

  2. What a great idea! I would love to join in! Found your blog on BBN! I am now your newest follower.. check my blog out at

  3. Definitely a fun idea! Will definitely be looking forward to this. And hopefully I can participate too!

    -Denise || ispasiyo

  4. sounds like a good way to get writing, perhaps I'll join in

    have a great new year!

  5. I really like this idea seeing as I've been looking for ways to broaden my writing skills outside of writing papers for class.


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