
making history

Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Christmas present from JT this year was a pair of tickets that would cure the phrase "I've never been to an NFL game before."

 Best. Gift. Ever. 

We went to go see the last regular season Packer/Viking match-up --  a bit of a nail biter if you ask me. Packers lost. I'm still in denial. But it will still make the history books as the first Packer game I've ever been to. 

I didn't take more pictures because I was too busy screaming at a bunch of players on the field who couldn't hear me.

Rematch this tonight at Lambeau. 

What are ya'lls opinions about football? {it' okay if you really hate it ;) }
What kinds of things do you like to do with your men that you both enjoy??


  1. I definitely like college football more than NFL, but this looks like such a fun date! You're rockin' that jersey. :)

  2. Aww, first time I went to an NFL game my team lost too. I feel your pain. I will forever have a special hatred for the Saints because of that.

  3. Hi there!

    I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I nominated you for a Leibster Award, please stop by my blog! I love your blog!



  4. What a fun game to attend! Have you ever been to Lambeau? It is my favorite. I have been reviewing all the NFL stadiums I have attended on my blog for the past few months. You should check it out...each team under bucket list item #1 will connect you to the review.

    Found you through Allie's giveaway. Happy to be a new follower!



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