

Friday, January 3, 2014

2013 will always be a precious year for me.

It's the year I got to live with some of my very best friends.
The year I said yes to journeying through this life with an incredible man.
The year I worked my first (and hopefully possibly last) corporate job.
The year I became we.
The year we moved to a brand new place together.
The year we discovered bed and breakfasts are right out of a dream.
The year I committed to my passions and started a little business.
The year I saw the desert for the first time.
The year I learned what it felt like to be truly free.

Big cheers to 2013 and all that is to come in the next 365!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had an amazing year. I hope 2014 will be just as amazing


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