
Goals With Grace | August

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Stopping in during this whirlwind of moving over here to link up with a bunch of other blogettes (I made that one up, you like it?) who are sharing their monthly goals for August. I've been a little out of practice since, oh, about November. But we'll take a stab at it anyhow, shall we? 

1// Transition well into our new home. This one may seem a little vague, but realistically this means saying goodbye well to those who have been so good to us in this community. It also means staying on top of packing and establishing an inviting, organized, and intentionally minimal space for us to live in during the next semester before we move again. Even though we'll only be there for a little bit, I am excited at the thought of doing a little simple decorating and creating a home for our growing family. Okay, you got me. Really I'm just itching to set up a little baby corner and do all that nauseatingly excessive new mom stuff.  

2// Start a commonplace book. I first heard about this through the Accidental Creative podcast I'm in love with. The idea is to create a book (electronic or paper) that compiles everything that inspires you from a simple quote to a photo, story...anything. I'm finding that the "create on demand" aspect of my work can sometimes be super draining and difficult to push through, no matter how much I'm in love with graphic design and the end result. This book is specifically for the purpose of inspiration and creating something just for fun, just for me, and without a deadline. I am so excited about this. 

3// Settle into a new, intentional routine. Aside from design, I'll be taking on a day job for the months I have before I push a watermelon, I mean baby, out. This will mean a more consistent routine for me, and a more sporadic routine for Jeremy, as he finishes up the last of his seminary classes and works at the same time. This is super different from what the past year has looked like for us so we'll have to be intentional about establishing that early on.

4// Celebrate our anniversary. Obviously, this will happen. But amidst all the other moving/transitional stuff that's going on, we sometimes forget that we've already been married for a year. I think it'll be super good to slow down a little bit and celebrate and really take some time to reflect on the past year. 

5// Learn three new design-related skills. I just got 2 new design instructional books to help expand my knowledge base with the programs I use. I'm excited to dive into those a little bit and learn some new skills that will help me be more efficient and better at what I already love to do. 

What about you? Any August goals on the docket? Link up with The Tiny Twig here

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