
april goals

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I love the beginning the month -- fresh start, fresh goals,'s springtime!! All the party hat emojis! Here's a little recap on this month and a look ahead to April. I'm getting a little ambitious but I'd really like to tackle some different things this coming month.


MEAL PLAN FOR THE WHOLE MONTH - This is still a work in progress. I would say three out of four weeks got planned, with a few nights eating out. I will say that a big success for us was eating out only on planned occasions, and not just because we forgot to plan dinner at home.

SET UP GUEST ROOM - Check! Before March, we were essentially using our extra room for storage. WE had several people stay with us this month and it felt so good to transform that room into a friendly, clean space.

SORT OUT HOSPITAL BILLS AND ADDRESS CHANGES - Check! That whole having a baby thing is kind of a financial mess. It felt really good to get started on some of the admin stuff this month.

ESTABLISH A WEEKLY ROUTINE - Well, we did have one...and then little Nay Nay decided to stop sleeping and change up her whole pattern. So...we'll have to hold off on sticking to a routine for now.

PHONE-FREE AFTER 9PM - This has helped so much this past month. I was better about it at the beginning than towards the end. But I think it's really important to have some time at the end of the night to not be distracted by social media, emails, or work stuff. I sleep better and am mentally healthier for doing that. Definitely going back on my list for April.


+ Continue the no phone after 9pm thing.
+ Continue to meal plan each week. So far, the first week in April is a win.
+ Work out three times a week. I have a workout buddy and that's toooootally helping.
+ Eliminate soda. (It's counterproductive to the above goal and not helping the "lose the baby weight"    thing.)
+ Finish a book.
+ Attend community groups in the area and make meaningful connections.
+ Add another product to the Primavera Studio shop (excited for this one!)
+ Restructure website/blog. This may take longer than just one month but I'd really love to simplify my blog & business website. Not sure what that looks like quite yet, but I think it's the right move.
+ Plan a baby-free night out. We ate Mexican and shot pool this month and it was so good for us to get out. We are so doing that again.

If you've got goals too, let's hear 'em!


  1. I keep trying to go phone/computer-free after 10pm, and it has yet to happen! I'm such a night owl and I get my huge productivity spurts at night... I'm working to change this, though! (Sidenote, I'm so glad I can read your blog to keep updated with your life & thoughts between monthly Influence group hangouts!) -- Lisa | Two Martinis

  2. I keep trying to go phone/computer-free after 10pm, and it has yet to happen! I'm such a night owl and I get my huge productivity spurts at night... I'm working to change this, though! (Sidenote, I'm so glad I can read your blog to keep updated with your life & thoughts between monthly Influence group hangouts!) -- Lisa | Two Martinis

  3. these are awesome! i like the no phone after 9 thing. I should maybe start goal of no netflix before bed has been hard enough ha! How sad. Love the rest of your goals! You got this girl!


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